Users must establish an account on ALCF systems before they can access ALCF systems. Follow the steps below to request an account.
- Go to and click REQUEST AN ACCOUNT.
- Enter your email, legal and preferred names, and a unique username in the corresponding fields.
- Verify that your email address is correct and establish security questions.
- Select the project of which you are a member.
- Enter your work and shipping addresses, and the name of your employer in the corresponding fields.
- Enter your citizenship information. Foreign nationals* must provide their passport number, their USCIS documents, and a PDF of their CV.
- Select a passcode option (physical or mobile token) and accept the terms of agreement.
- Once your account request is approved by the project PI, the ALCF Accounts team will process your application. You will be notified via email once your account is created.
*Foreign National Access Request Form
The U.S. Department of Energy has guidelines and requirements for foreign visitors who access its facilities and sites. This guidance is issued in DOE Order 142.3, which is part of Argonne's contract; therefore, all foreign visitors (non-U.S. Citizens) must obtain authorization prior to using ALCF resources.
If you are a foreign national and do not have current authorization credentials, you are required to submit an ANL-593 (Foreign National Access Request) form, which is part of the ALCF Account request process.