The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot aims to connect U.S. researchers and educators to computational, data, and training resources needed to advance AI research and research that employs AI. Federal agencies are collaborating with government-supported and non-governmental partners to implement the Pilot as a preparatory step toward an eventual full NAIRR implementation.
The purpose of the NAIRR Pilot is to demonstrate the NAIRR concept and advance its main goals, namely to spur innovation, increase the diversity of talent, improve capacity, and advance safe, secure, and trustworthy AI in research and society. The NAIRR Pilot aims to address researcher needs by increasing access to a diverse ensemble of AI-related infrastructure resources, including computational capabilities, AI-ready datasets, pre-trained models, software systems, and platforms.
The ALCF contributes its ALCF AI Testbed and Introduction to AI for Science training program to this shared national research infrastructure.
More about the NAIRR Pilot: https://nairrpilot.org
More about DOE's contribution to the NAIRR Pilot: https://nairratdoe.ornl.gov