Polaris Management Software to Be Upgraded between April 22-25, Resulting in a Multi-day Outage

We will have a multi-day outage on Polaris to upgrade management software to HPCM 1.10 from April 22-25, 2024. These version changes will take place with the upgrade to HPCM 1.10:
- HPE Cray Programming Environment (CPE) 23.12
- NVIDIA driver version 535.154.05
- CUDA 12.2
- SUSE 15 SP5
We intend to keep Grand and Eagle operational during the upgrade. Users should use Globus to access their project data. See https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://docs.alcf.anl.gov/data-management/data-transfer/using-globus/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!ZrhaS00CuCBDd7Ei9E0Kl-cL1bU6jUN4Mu58uOdWHd81zC-bVt7lbwDLudEqvIIuXI8FO8q_XFIvbHFvOMjyBr_ODCnN99I$  for more information.