We have increased the number of available nodes in the Polaris debug queue, expanding the number of available nodes across all jobs to up to 16 nodes. Note: Only 8 of these nodes are exclusive to the debug queue while the additional 8 nodes are available from the list of free nodes in the production queues. The node-min and node-max per job has not changed; only the total number of maximum nodes available across all jobs in the queue. For more information, visit: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://docs.alcf.anl.gov/polaris/running-jobs/*queues__;Iw!!G_uCfscf7eWS!ZrhaS00CuCBDd7Ei9E0Kl-cL1bU6jUN4Mu58uOdWHd81zC-bVt7lbwDLudEqvIIuXI8FO8q_XFIvbHFvOMjyBr_ObowMx8o$ . Please email support@alcf.anl.gov with any questions or concerns.