Using Mira and Titan, the team is addressing key science questions in high-energy and nuclear physics research to support and complement the major experimental programs in these areas. Focusing on the research priorities at the Energy and Intensity Frontiers and in cold and hot nuclear physics, the team’s research in lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) addresses fundamental questions in high-energy and nuclear physics and relates directly to major experimental programs in these fields essential to meeting a number of Office of Science milestones.
A central objective of this project is to generate gauge configurations, which are representative samples of the QCD ground state used by the more than 100 U.S. QCD theoretical physicists to determine a wide range of physical quantities of importance in high-energy and nuclear physics. In high-energy physics, the configurations will enable researchers to push the search for new effects in flavor physics to yet higher energies. In nuclear physics, the team’s suite of calculations can enable success of present and planned experiments at RHIC, Jlab, FRIB, LANL, ORNL, and other national facilities, including to guide the search for exotic states of matter at GlueX.