Velocity magnitude volume rendering atRe=40,000 in axially-periodic geometry ofTAMU/isothermal benchmark replicated downstream for efficient velocity initial conditions in Areva/conjugate-heat transfer bundle geometry calculations.
This research will provide support in creating the next-generation of nuclear power reactor design tools needed by industry and regulators to enable the deployment of advanced nuclear power. The data generated from these simulations will then be analyzed using both traditional and machine-learning methods to inform fast-running design tools that can be used directly by the industry.
By leveraging high performance computing, simulations of fluid flow and heat transfer in novel nuclear power reactor cores will be performed. In particular, this work will perform high-fidelity simulations of fluid flow around wire-wrapped fuel pins for liquid metal cooled reactors, flow in bebble beds for both gas- and molten salt-cooled reactors, and analyze flow induced vibration phenomena for structures such as spacer grids and mixing vanes in existing light water reactors (LWRs). The data generated from these simulations will then be analyzed using both traditional and machine-learning methods to inform fast-running design tools that can be used directly by the industry.
By focusing on designs similar to those being investigated as part of the recent DOE awards to the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP), this will provide insight into the complex phenomena associated with reactor designs most relevant to the industry. As a result of this work, the design tools available to industry will be made even more accurate, further enhancing the safety and reliability of current and next-generation nuclear power.