The goal of this INCITE project is to employ the electromagnetic edge gyrokinetic PIC code XGC to perform two-pronged, but inter-related, fundamental edge physics studies of critical importance to the successful operation of ITER and to the design of Fusion Power Plants (FPPs). The first prong is the mitigation of high stationary heat-flux densities that will damage material walls while maintaining the high edge plasma pedestal within a safe operational window. The second prong is avoiding explosive transient power- flow to material walls caused by edge localized mode (ELM) crash. To achieve these goals, leadership-class compute-power is required to address the current game changing INCITE studies that include important but computationally expensive ingredients: i) the addition of tungsten impurity particles that are sputtered from ITER’s material wall as a third species along with deuterium and tritium fuel particles; and ii) the capability for plasma detachment from the divertor plates.