The ALCF Fellowship provides an opportunity to help chart future directions in scientific computing.
The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility's Margaret Butler Fellowship in Computational Science is an exciting and unique opportunity to lead and contribute to the development of new scientific applications for high-performance computing (HPC). This includes exploring techniques to substantially improve the performance and range of science and engineering applications supported at the ALCF, one of the world’s premier HPC centers. The fellow will work closely with multidisciplinary ALCF and science project teams throughout the HPC community to help chart the future direction of scientific computing and leadership-class supercomputing facilities.
The fellowship is typically a two-year appointment with a renewal process after the first year.
Please contact mbfellowship@alcf.anl.gov for any questions about the fellowship.
Letters of recommendation will be requested later for candidates who are identified as finalists.
Candidates must either have a recent PhD in a related field, or be awarded a PhD prior to the start of the appointment. Ideal candidates are expected to have:
This Argonne-based fellowship program is named in honor of Margaret K. Butler, a pioneering scientist who spent her career at the leading edge of computer science and nuclear energy. She programmed the first digital computers at Argonne National Laboratory in the early 1950s, helped design subsequent ones, and contributed to simulations of nuclear power reactors. Butler was the first female Fellow at the American Nuclear Society and director of the National Energy Software Center. Her analytical talents, vision, and drive led to a lifetime of scientific contributions.