July 27-August 2: ALCF Systems Unavailable Due to Data Center Power Outage

As notified in our weekly updates, our data center will experience a power outage due to a cooling upgrade project for Aurora. This outage requires all ALCF resources to be powered down and unavailable starting Thursday.

 On Thursday, July 27, 2023, we will begin by powering down Cerebras, SambaNova, and Graphcore at 9 a.m. (CDT), as well as the Globus endpoints alcf#ai_testbed_home, alcf#ai_testbed_projects, and alcf#ai_testbed_software. All running transfer tasks will be paused for the duration of the outage. The Accounts and Project Management website will be shut down at 4 p.m. (CDT).

Our other resources (Theta, Polaris, Cooley, etc.) and all other services will be powered down on Friday, July 28, 2023, at 08:00 a.m. (CDT). At this time, all other ALCF Globus endpoints will be paused and unavailable for use.

We will notify you as soon as possible with the machine outage schedule. Please contact support@alcf.anl.gov with any questions or concerns.