VisIt Changes and Future

David Camp

This talk will be about the current status of VisIt and about some of the future improvements that are coming soon. Mr. Camp will talk about who is working on VisIt, infrastructure improvements, usability improvements, PySide applications, web clients/remote rendering, Many-core work and more.

Before joining the Visualization Group, Camp spent 16 years designing and supporting software for a wide range of companies. In 2000, Camp taught C++ as an adjunct professor at Sierra College while pursuing a Masters degree in Computer Science at the University of California, Davis (UCD). He is currently working toward a PhD in Computer Science at UCD, and continues to teach. During the spring 2010 quarter, Camp taught a C class at UCD. Camp's interest in computing sparked when he got his first computer, a Commodore 64. "I took a Pascal class at my community college during my seventh grade to learn how to program it. Then I started writing games and small programs, which I really loved, so I decided then that this was what I was going to do."