SYCL Essentials – oneAPI Introduction

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Join this Intel Software live virtual workshop: SYCL Essentials – oneAPI Introduction

Gain a solid foundation and working understanding of the Intel® oneAPI tools and Intel® Developer Cloud. The workshop introduces the underlying structures that make oneAPI an invaluable tool for streamlining development across diverse architectures.

The workshop, led by Praveen Kundurthy, Senior Technical Evangelist, AI and oneAPI, delves into the library capabilities and unified languages available through oneAPI for expressing parallelism. Discover how to span the range of hardware—CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and other accelerators—in complex heterogeneous systems. Using optimized code as examples in the SYCL abstraction layer, the workshop covers these topics:

  • Explore the capabilities and strengths of the oneAPI for programming in a mixed hardware environment
  • See how C++ with SYCL delivers high-performance computing applications using the oneAPI programming model
  • Learn how to use the SYCL buffers and accessors for data management between the host and device
  • Explore basic use of SYCL graphs and dependences
  • Try out the oneAPI tools and libraries on Intel® DevCloud
  • Become familiar with Jupyter notebooks on Intel DevCloud using simple SYCL code examples