SYCL Essentials – Advanced Concepts

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Join this Intel Software live, virtual workshop: SYCL Essentials – Advanced Concepts

Advance your understanding of SYCL concepts in this hands-on coding workshop that highlights techniques for achieving efficient results on modern architectures with diverse hardware systems. It will be conducted on the Intel® Developer Cloud. (If you don’t yet have a free cloud account, get one here.)

The workshop, led by Rakshith Krishnappa, Technical Marketing Engineer and Developer Evangelist for AI and oneAPI, goes deeper into ways to take advantage of parallelism using languages available through oneAPI across diverse hardware, including CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and other accelerators in complex systems.

The workshop addresses these topics:

  • Learn pointer-based memory management for heterogeneous computing using Unified Shared Memory
  • Explore different ways to use Unified Shared Memory for moving memory and handling data dependency between kernel executions
  • Become more familiar with the oneAPI tools and libraries on Intel Developer Cloud
  • See how to take advantage of Subgroups when programming in SYCL
  • Discover how Subgroup algorithms offer advantages and how the Subgroup Shuffle operation can avoid explicit memory operations
  • Use SYCL reduction to simplify reduction with parallel kernels
  • Perform reduction at the subgroup and workgroup level using the reduce function