Scalable Adaptive Finite Element Framework for Multiphysics Simulations

Kumar Saurabh, Iowa State University
DSL Graphic

Efficiently and accurately simulating partial differential equations (PDEs) in and around arbitrarily defined geometries, especially with high levels of adaptivity, has significant implications for different application domains. In this talk, I would like to share the algorithmic advances in the context of fast construction of a good adaptively-refined incomplete octree-based mesh capable of carving out arbitrarily shaped void regions from the parent domain: an essential requirement for fluid simulations around complex objects. Further, this is integrated with PETSc to solve several multiphysics and multiphase phenomena. We showcase the applicability of the algorithms to solve large-scale problems. The algorithms developed have enabled us to run the most resolved jet atomization simulations and demonstrated scaling till 114,688 processors (2048 nodes) on TACC Frontera.

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