SASSy Summer Students

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Please join us to virtually attend presentations by our LANS summer students.  


Speaker / Seminar Title:

Hansol Suh / Variable Metric Three Operator Splitting Method

Mookyong Son / Robust Calibration and Parameter Estimation Under Uncertainty: Application to Epidemic Dynamics

Jamal Shabani / Profiling Multisecant Accelerated Descent with Noise-injected CUTEst Problems

Sayed A. Sadat / Evaluation of SLP Performance Using Different ACOPF Formulations and Different LP Algorithms

Akhil Vakayil / Large-Scale Dynamic Ride Sharing by Iterative Assignment

Ashish Kakkar / Mitigating Errors in Quantum Computers Using Symmetries

Yimin Lin / Developing SEM for Molten Salt Reactor

Dustin Favorite / Reduction Schemes in OpenMP for Heterogeneous Computing

Anwesa Dey / Toward Solving Inverse Problems in Neuroscience with Deep Artificial Neural Networks

Rylee Sundermann / Parallel Primal-Dual Interior Point Method for Solution of Multi-Period AC Optimal Power Flow


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