As part of the PASC22 Conference, ALCF's Kris Rowe will host the "MS4C - Exascale Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Data: Opportunities and Challenges for Weather, Climate, Ocean, and Environmental Prediction" minsymposium.
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - 16:30 - 18:30 CEST (9:30 - 11:30 am CT)
Description: Exascale computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and data science have the potential to significantly improve predictive capabilities and services across the weather, climate, ocean, and broader environment domains; however, successful application of these technologies requires overcoming many challenges. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Research Board commissioned the Task Team on Exascale, AI, and Data to produce whitepapers providing a synthesis of the current state of activity in these areas, as well as recommendations to guide progress and initiate coordinated activity in the WMO community for enabling effective uptake. An overview of the whitepapers and how they fit into the WMO’s long-term strategic plan will be presented. Subsequent talks will provide a deep dive into the whitepapers on exascale computing and data production, and AI and data analysis. Focus will be placed on challenges that must be overcome to realize the benefits of these new technologies, as well as critical gaps between regions with and without access to significant computing resources—and ways to address these gaps. Concrete short-term actions recommended in the whitepapers will be presented. A discussion panel will feature the whitepaper’ authors—representing international weather, climate, and supercomputing centers—providing opportunity for feedback and collaboration with the broader scientific computing community.