NiCE: The NEAMS Integrated Computational Environment

Andrew Bennett

Nuclear energy is a big part of the global energy infrastructure and will be critical in meeting future energy demand. To that end, the U.S. D.O.E. has funded large modeling and simulation programs to help design the next generation of nuclear reactors (and understand the old ones!). These programs may require intimate knowledge of the simulation code or the super-computing platforms and generate petabytes of data when simulating a "full core." This leaves the user with a question: "How can I extract knowledge from that much data!?"

Before any simulation can be run, analysts must provide valid parameters for the simulation, input which is often pre-configured by specialists or requires third-party tools to modify. Then they must launch the code with their input on a computing platform that may range from a single laptop to a flagship supercomputer. Lastly, much of the output data is not directly consumable by the human user in its bulk, binary format. To address these challenges for NEAMS researchers and SHARP users, we have developed a C++ library and several plugins for our product - the NEAMS Integrated Computational Environment (NiCE) - that help researchers configure, launch, and analyze their simulations in easy, intuitive ways. We will demonstrate our system's input generation and simulation launching workflow. We will also show the post-simulation data analysis capabilities provided out of the box for both Light Water Reactors and Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors.

Attendees will see how NiCE can be used to configure, launch, and analyze nuclear reactor simulations for Light Water Reactors and Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors.