Light Weight File System Simulation Over ROSS: Estimating the Cost of Integrated Security Model

Benafsh Husain

The aim of this project is to investigate various possibilities for authentication and authorization of a client associated to a file in a system similar to the Light Weight File System (LWFS). The file system model is simulated over ROSS, which is a parallel discrete-event simulator that executes on shared-memory multiprocessor systems. Several variations of the file system are discussed, based on different configurations of I/O workload, and the aim is to calculate and henceforth minimize the cost of introducing a security model in the file system.

Benafsh Husain, 2nd year PhD student (Electrical and Computer Engineering) at Clemson University under Dr. Richard Brooks, with a focus on network security.  Benafsh has a Masters in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Image Processing from California Polytechnic, SLO and a Bachelors in Biomedical Engineering.