Kokkos 4.0 Release Briefing


The Kokkos team is proud to announce the release of Kokkos 4.0.

The release briefing will be held on Wednesday, March 29th at 10am CT. It will cover new features, including production support for AMD GPUs, as well as deprecations everyone should be aware of.

Primary topics are:

  • C++17
  • New minimum requirements
  • HIP backend promoted to Kokkos:: namespace (ready for Frontier!)
  • Introducing MD version of hierarchical parallelism: TeamThreadMDRange, ThreadVectorMDRange and TeamVectorMDRange
  • Team-level sorting algorithms
  • Improved support for portable use of shared and host-pinned memory
  • Asynchronous version of parallel_scan with a result
  • Full BLAS1 support in KokkosKernels
  • New incomplete factorization algorithms
  • Various backend and architecture enhancements
  • Deprecations and upcoming removals

Call details

Zoom link: https://exascaleproject.zoomgov.com/j/16017071714
Meeting ID: 160 1707 1714