Introduction to Beagle

Trainer: The catalyst group from the Computation Institute
  • Outline: This introductory class is mainly intended for people who have just started working on the Cray XE6 Beagle or are considering using it. It aims at familiarizing new users with the hardware and software architecture (e.g., compilation, submission). Cray’s performance analysis tools will briefly be introduced as well. We plan to include small practical exercises about compilation, data transfer and submission of jobs. Users are strongly invited to ask specific questions about how to port their specific calculations to Beagle and how to submit jobs.
  • Topics will include (depending upon users desires and abilities):
    • General overview of Beagle’s team and the computational institute
    • overview of Beagle’s Cray XE6 system architecture
    • basic access and navigation operations
    • using compilers and applications
    • appropriate use of local and network filesystems
    • submitting jobs and monitoring jobs
    • data transfer
    • Specific topics requested by users (e.g., using R or Matlab on Beagle)