Introduction to High-Performance Computing Bootcamp is a one-week immersive experience for undergraduates or early career graduate students to learn computational and data science tools and techniques.
The Argonne Introduction to High-Performance Computing Bootcamp provides STEM students with a one-week immersive, hands-on experience applying computational and data science tools and techniques to complex science problems. The bootcamp will bring together 60 participants, supported by peer mentors and national laboratory staff, as they learn foundational concepts in high-performance computing and apply them to projects focused on real-world energy challenges.
Applicants should be undergraduates or early career graduate students with some background in coding, but no experience in high-performance computing is required. We encourage students from STEM fields outside of computing to apply and learn how supercomputers and parallel processing can help solve complex computational science problems.
The bootcamp will include opportunities for participants to:
There are no fees to participate. Domestic airfare, meals, and lodging are provided along with a stipend to cover any additional costs for the week.
The bootcamp is organized by the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility at Argonne National Laboratory in collaboration with the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Please see Intro to HPC Bootcamp FAQs for additional information. Reach out to introtohpc@alcf.anl.gov with any other questions.