GPFS/HPSS Interface (GHI) Presentation

Presenters from IBM

IBM will do an on-site presentation of their GPFS/HPSS Interface (GHI) product. The topics and questions that were submitted to IBM are listed below.
The following link for current product documentation:


  • General overview of intended use.
  • HSM vs. backup.
  • Difference between how GHI migrated files are stored in HPSS and how traditional client files are stored.
  • Describe any scalability limitations and what we can do to minimize or avoid them. Will we hit a wall?
  • Disk cache provisioning for GHI aggregation indexes.
  • Day to day administration.
  • Troubleshooting.
  • Upgrade process.
  • Roadmap of future enhancements.


  • What other sites are running GHI in production?
    • How large are they?
    • How large are their GHI managed file systems?
    • What is their tape storage capacity?
  • Do you recommend using 3rd party HPSS clients in parallel with GHI?
  • If we choose to provide a 3rd party HPSS client such as HSI/HTAR to the users, is there any way to prevent them from archiving files that have already been archived via GHI?
  • Is there a GHI command that will allow users to trigger archives immediately? There appears to be a command to stage data prior to needing it.
  • Can we prevent users from initiating unintended mass recalls of data, running something like "file"?
  • We will have accumulated a significant amount of data before deploying GHI. Describe how we would avoid overloading the system while catching up.
  • How many FTE are typically required to support GHI?
  • Will GHI development keep pace with GPFS upgrades?