Getting Started on Aurora Bootcamps

Getting started on aurora bootcamp graphic featuring picture of aurora and title of the event.

Join us on February 12 or 25, 2025, for the Getting Started on Aurora Bootcamp with a dedicated hands-on and Q&A session. 

 The event will introduce attendees to using Aurora, Argonne's exascale machine. This event is aimed at participants who have experience using clusters or supercomputers. Please note that the hands-on portion is targeted for users that have access to Aurora already. No new accounts will be provisioned for the bootcamp.

Feb 12, 11:00AM-2:00PM 

Feb 25, 11:00AM -2:00PM

The Bootcamp will cover:

  • what to expect on an early production machine such as: file system, stability and job size
  • best practices for running, compiling (env variables, like JIT, check pointing)
  • hardware overview 
  • ddt and gdb debugger
  • profilers (iprof, VTune, advisor)
  • AI frameworks, Python
  • DAOS
  • Q&A

All the tutorials will become available on our GitHub repository and this bootcamp will be a live demonstration which users can run at the same time to ask questions or get help when things fail unexpectedly. Please note that to follow along with the speakers you need to have an existing account for the ALCF Aurora system. 

Argonne's staff who have been working closely with Aurora will be present and help answer your questions. 

Speakers and Support Staff:

Chris Knight, Computational Scientist and Catalyst Team Lead at Argonne's National Laboratory. 

Wei Jiang,  Computational Scientist and Principal Project Specialist at Argonne National Laboratory. 

Filippo Simini, Computational Scientist in the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Group at Argonne National Laboratory.  

Thomas Applencourt, Computational Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

Kris Rowe, Assistant Computational Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory. 

JaeHyuk Kwack, Computational Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

Colleen Bertoni, Computational Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

Bethany Lusch, Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

Kaushik Velusamy, Assistant Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

Marta Garcia Martinez, Principal Project Specialist - Computational Science at Argonne National Laboratory.

Simpson, Christine, Assistant Computational Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.