Explore GPU Acceleration in the Intel DevCloud

Anant Sinha and Alberto Villareal, Intel
Intel webinars

Explore GPU Acceleration in the Intel DevCloud

If you have applications targeted for and/or deployed on CPUs or GPUs … this webinar is likely for you. Get the 4-1-1 on how to rev your code for graphics capabilities, cross-architecture.

There are scant few “vision-type” applications that can’t reap additional benefits when accelerated for graphics processing units—whether discrete GPUs or integrated multi-component architectures.

This session focuses on how to do exactly that.

How? Using the optimized software tools found in the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit coupled with Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), a new language based on familiar C++ and SYCL.

Join software application engineers Anant Sinha and Alberto Villareal for a tour through the entire oneAPI workflow of GPU-focused acceleration, including:

  • Identifying the parts of your code that will benefit from acceleration (Hint: this uses Intel® Advisor’ Offload feature)
  • Creating accelerated software in DPC++
  • Exploring oneAPI accelerated libraries
  • A live demo showing how to optimize the final code result and run it in the Intel® DevCloud on the latest collection of Intel® Processor Graphics Architecture