Energy Storage: JCESR Goes Beyond the Lithium Ion Frontier

George Crabtree

At the end of November 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that Argonne's Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) proposal — a consortium of 14 institutions including national labs, universities and private companies — was selected for a five-year, $120 million Energy Innovation Hub to develop next-generation batteries beyond lithium ion. This award opens a new horizon of energy storage research with the promise of transforming the electricity grid and transportation.

JCESR sets aggressive goals: discovery science to understand the materials and phenomena governing beyond-lithium-ion batteries, and pre-commercial prototype batteries with five times the energy density and one-fifth the cost of today's lithium ion batteries. A critical feature of JCESR is a new paradigm for battery research, integrating discovery science, battery design and pre-commercial prototyping in one interactive organization. This talk presents the vision and strategy of JCESR and its place in Argonne's broad landscape of energy storage research.