Do you need help choosing the right workflow tool? Do you have questions about running workflows on supercomputers? Join us for a joint ALCF, OLCF, and NERSC training on the topic of workflows and workflow tools across the DOE. We will offer a half-day Zoom training with hands-on examples of GNU Parallel, Parsl, FireWorks, and Balsam- all of which can be used at ALCF, NERSC, and OLCF.
We’ll help answer questions like:
We invite anyone who is interested in workflow tools, from beginners to experienced users, to join us on April 12, 2023, from 10AM - 3PM (CT).
To ensure you have access to all systems required for the exercises, please register by April 5. Anyone who registers after this date is still welcome to attend, but may not be able to complete the exercises.