Different Ways of Knowing AI

Martin Wattenberg, Harvard
AI Art

Artificial intelligence isn’t a single technology—it’s become a broad field, with applications to almost every area of life. As a result, we can’t view it with just a single lens. Instead, we should use every tool at our disposal. Yes, math and engineering are important, but design and even art are critical as well. Through a series of examples, I will discuss multiple ways of knowing and understanding how AI works, and how using these different lenses together can broaden participation in the field of AI.

 Speaker Bio:

Martin Wattenberg is Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at Harvard. He also has a part-time role at Google Research, where he co-founded the People + AI Research initiative. His work (with long-time collaborator Fernanda Viégas) focuses on making AI technology broadly accessible and reflective of human values. While at Google, Wattenberg, Viégas, and their team created end-user visualizations for products such as Search, YouTube, and Google Analytics.

Wattenberg’s experience also includes co-founding a visualization studio, as well as IBM’s Visual Communication Lab, which created the ground-breaking public visualization platform Many Eyes. Wattenberg came to IBM from Dow Jones, where he was the Director of Research and Development at SmartMoney.com. His work there included some of the earliest pieces of interactive journalism. Wattenberg has a Ph.D. in mathematics from U.C. Berkeley, focusing on dynamical systems. His visualization-based artwork has been exhibited in museums around the world.

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