Building a Single-sided Communication Layer for Exa-scale Storage Systems

Hiroki Ohtsuji

High-speed, low-overhead and portable network library is an important component of next generation Exa-scale storage systems. In order to improve the performance of the network communication, single-sided communication is a useful method for those systems. However, it requires a well-built application interface between storage systems and network interfaces to utilize the single-sided communication layer. Mercury fulfills those requirements of storage systems. Mercury is an RPC library for High-performance Computing and has a plugin-based network abstraction layer (NAL). Currently, it is built on the two-sided communication because Mercury NAL only supports MPI and BMI. BMI is a network library used by PVFS. In this summer, SSM support was added as the summer research work. SSM is a network library, which offers true single-sided communication. In this talk, Hiroki will introduce backgrounds of those libraries and show the performance evaluation of Mercury NAL implementation with SSM.


Hiroki Ohtsuji is a first year Computer Science PhD student at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. He works with Associate Professor Osamu Tatebe. His general research interests are high-performance network I/O and storage systems.