Autonomous Materials Manufacturing Process R&D Based on Continuous Flow Chemistry

Kris Pupek, AMD
A graduate student in the SCGSR Program

A graduate student in the SCGSR Program conducts important lab research in a state-of-the-art facility at Argonne National Laboratory. (Image: Argonne National Laboratory)

The Self-Driving Lab LDRD Seminar Series is designed to give students and staff a sneak peek at the lab’s latest in state-of-the-art autonomous design, including a new, highly interactive rapid prototyping laboratory, autonomous robots, and exciting opportunities in scientific and technological directions. In the next session of our 7-week series,

Dr. Kris Pupek (AMD), will present “Autonomous Materials Manufacturing Process R&D Based on Continuous Flow Chemistry” on Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom

Continuous flow chemistry is an emerging technology for manufacturing advanced materials. In this talk, we will explain the coupling of continuous flow reactor (CFR) with online analytical tools to gather in situ and operando data. Process parameters from CFR combined with analytical data are feed to ML module. Bayesian optimization is used to analyze the data and loop back new set of process parameters to CFR for rapid autonomous process optimization.