Automatic Inspection of Fortran/C/C++ Code for Modernization and Optimization using Codee

Manuel Arenaz, Codee - Appentra Solutions
Seminar Graphic

Codee is a suite of software development tools designed for Fortran/C/C++ code modernization and optimization, empowering developers to deliver high-quality, modern, and performant Fortran/C/C++ software. The modernization of Fortran code enables taking advantage of the latest features of the Fortran standard, and favors maintainability, readability, portability, extensibility and performance.  The systematic, predictable workflow provided by Codee is a complement to the vendor’s software development ecosystem, including compilers and performance tools such as profilers and monitoring tools. The Codee tools are designed to seamlessly integrate with IDEs and CI/CD environments. In this seminar the participants will be introduced to Codee using short demos, starting with simple well-known kernels and quickly jumping to realistic Fortran/C/C++ projects. As of today, Codee successfully analyzes large HPC codes like WRF and OpenRadioss.

Biography:   Manuel Arenaz is the CEO/CTO and Founder of Codee. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of A Coruña (2003), specializing in advanced compiler techniques for automatic parallelization for multicore CPUs and GPUs. He is passionate about technology trends in High-Performance Computing (HPC) related to simplifying the effort that developers face when writing software. After 10 years of teaching parallel programming at the undergraduate and PhD levels, he co-founded Appentra Solutions, which delivers Codee—an automated inspection platform designed for the modernization and optimization of Fortran/C/C++ code, which empowers developers to deliver high-quality, modern, and performant C/C++/Fortran software that complies with industry standards.