Advanced SYCL Concepts for Heterogenous Computing

Rakshith Krishnappa, Intel
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Learn and practice the advanced concepts and features of DPC++ with live sample code on Intel DevCloud. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to efficiently write SYCL code for heterogenous computing. Be one of the first programmers at the forefront of this compelling and important new development that elevates computing to a new level.

In this workshop, Intel Developer Evangelist Rakshith Krishnappa will cover some advanced concepts in SYCL programming for heterogenous computing. Topics include:

  • Learn pointer-based memory management for heterogenous computing using Unified Shared Memory.
  • Understand implicit and explicit way of moving memory using Unified Shared Memory and also handling data dependency between kernel executions.
  • Understand advantages of using Subgroups in SYCL programming.
  • Take advantage of Subgroup group algorithms and understand how Subgroup Shuffle operations can avoid explicit memory operations
  • Use SYCL reduction to simplify reduction with parallel kernels
  • Take advantages reduce function to do reduction at sub_group and work_group level