Abstraction and Management of Resources in Virtual GPU Environments

Yan Li

High-performance GPU architectures have been widely used for scientific computation due to their high computational throughput, large memory bandwidth and outstanding performance-per-watt figures. VOCL(Virtual OpenCL) is a framework, based on OpenCL programming model, which supports the transparent utilization of local and remote GPUs, and it also supports virtual GPU migration. This talk will present new progress in VOCL framework. The new design of VOCL is able to abstract and manage local and remote GPUs efficiently in GPU cluster systems.

Yan Li is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests mainly focus on the development of tools and libraries for applications on GPU-based heterogeneous computing platforms, such as fast Fourier transformation, numerical computation and data-parallel algorithms. He has been working in the programming models and runtime systems group at Argonne for about one year focusing on the VOCL project.