Attend our virtual workshop to boost application performance and achieve computational readiness for INCITE and other ALCF allocation programs.
The 2021 ALCF Computational Performance Workshop will be hosted as an online-only event.
Join us May 4-6, 2021, for an experience designed to help you boost application performance and achieve computational readiness on ALCF systems. Participants will have an opportunity to:
For questions or concerns, please email us at comp-perf-support@alcf.anl.gov
Day 1, Tuesday, May 4 |
Topic (most sessions include a hands-on component) |
Speakers |
10:00-10:05am(CST) | Welcome | Mike Papka (CELS ALD and ALCF Director) |
10:05-10:15am(CST) | Onboarding, Slides | Yasaman Ghadar (Argonne) |
10:15-11:15am (CST) | Workshop Overview (Slides,Video) Getting Started on Theta (Slides, Video) and ThetaGPU (Slides, Video) | Chris Knight, Graham Fletcher, Corey Adams, Misha Salim (Argonne) |
10:15-11:15am(CST) | Overview of TAU at Breakout Room, (Slides) | Sameer Shende(TAU) |
10:15-11:15am(CST) | Overview of HPC ToolKit at Breakout Room(Slides) | Mark Krentel (HPCToolkit) |
11:15-11:30am (CST) | Break | |
11:30am-12:30pm (CST) | Enabling Workflows with Balsam (Video) and Parsl (Video, Slides) | Misha Salim, Antonio Villareal, Tom Uram (Argonne) |
12:30-1:00pm (CST) | Lunch Break | |
1:00-1:30pm (CST) | Future ALCF Systems (Slides, Video) | Scott Parker (Argonne) |
1:30-2:30pm (CST) |
Portability with OpenMP (Slides, Video) | Colleen Bertoni, Ye Luo (Argonne) |
2:30-2:45pm (CST) | Break | |
2:45-3:45pm (CST) | Visualizing Your Data (Slides,Video) | Joseph Insley, Silvio Rizzi, Janet Knowles, Victor Mateevitsi (Argonne) |
3:45-4:15pm (CST) | Allocation Programs at ALCF (Slides, Video) | Katherine Riley (Argonne) |
4:15-4:45pm (CST) | Containers (Slides, Video) | Romit Maulik, Taylor Childers (Argonne) |
4:45-5:00pm (CST) | Day 1 Feedback | |
Day 2, Wednesday, May 5 |
10:00-11:00am (CST) | NVIDIA Ecosystem (Slides, Video) | Max Katz (NVIDIA) |
11:00-11:15am (CST) | Break | |
11:15am-12:15pm (CST) | Scaling Deep Learning Applications (Video) | Sam Foreman, Huihuo Zheng (Argonne) |
12:15-12:45pm (CST) | Lunch Break | |
12:45-1:45pm (CST) | Portability with Kokkos (Video, Hands-on Video) and Raja (Video) | Nevin Liber, Patrick Steinbrecher, Brian Homerding (Argonne) |
1:45-2:00pm (CST) | Break | |
2:00-2:45pm (CST) | Data Transfer and Sharing with Globus, (Slides, Video) |
Gregory Nawrocki (Globus) |
2:45-3:00pm (CST) | Data Transfer and Sharing with Eagle, (Slides, Video) | Avanthi Mantrala (Argonne) |
3:00-4:15pm (CST) | Overview of VTune/Advisor (Slides, Video) | Matthew Cordery (Intel) |
4:15-4:30pm (CST) | Day 2 Feedback | |
Day 3, Thursday, May 6 |
10:00-11:00am (CST) | Profiling Frameworks with TensorFlow(Video) and Pytorch (Slides, Video) | Denis Boyda, Corey Adams, Filippo Simni (Argonne) |
11:00-11:15am (CST) | Break | |
11:15am-12:15pm (CST) | Reduced Precision in TF, Torch (Video) | Kyle Felker, Murali Krishna Emani, Bethany Lusch (Argonne) |
12:15-12:45pm (CST) | Lunch Break | |
12:45-1:45pm (CST) | File Systems and I/O Performance (Slides, Video) | Gordon McPheeters (Argonne) |
1:45-2:00pm (CST) | Break | |
2:00-2:45pm (CST) | MPI/Network (Slides, Video) | Sudheer Chunduri (Argonne) |
2:45-3:30pm (CST) | Portability with SYCL/oneAPI(Slides, Video, Hands-on Video) | Thomas Applencourt (Argonne) |
3:30-4:00pm (CT) | MPS/MIG Mode on A100 (Video) | Murali Krishna Emani, Venkatram Vishwanath (Argonne) |
4:00-4:15pm (CST) | Next Steps (DD) (Slides) | Yasaman Ghadar (Argonne) |
4:15-4:30pm (CST) | Day 3 Feedback and Adjourn |