Maximizing Effectiveness and Efficiency in Remediation Programs

David J. Conboy

Mr. Conboy will discuss ways to maximize effectiveness and efficiency in remediation programs.  Since 1997, the US Army Corps of Engineers has been responsible for assessment and remediation of sites under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP).  These sites typically have residual radioactive contamination as a result of actions taken during our Nation's early Atomic Energy Program.   Mr. Conboy will provide an overview of the program and discuss innovative means and methods that have been used to effectively and efficiently determine the nature and extent of the contamination as remediation alternatives are developed in accordance with Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) requirements.  He will also review processes and procedures, both in-situ and ex-situ, that have been used to ensure CERCLA cleanup goals are achieved, while minimizing the volume of material excavated and disposed, and the associated cost.


David J. Conboy is Chief, Technical Services Division of the Buffalo District.  He oversees the Environmental, Design, Construction, Operations and Regulatory functions within the District in order to ensure successful execution of a civil works budget that is over $100M per year.  The Technical Services Division has approximately 200 employees involved in environmental initiatives that range from maintaining federal harbors and navigation channels in the Lake Ontario and Lake Erie watershed and participating in International Joint Commission activities associated with Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, the Niagara River and the St. Lawrence Seaway to investigating and remediating sites contaminated with hazardous, toxic and radioactive wastes.

Mr. Conboy, retired from the U.S. Army Reserve as a Major General in 2017.  He served as the Deputy Commanding General (Operations) for the U.S. Army Reserve Command; Commander, 416th Theater Engineer Command; and Deputy Commanding General, Eighth Army in Korea.  He was mobilized in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and served as the advisor to the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Joint Forces as part of Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq.  He also served as a military advisor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  His awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star Medal.

Mr. Conboy received a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Engineering Degree in Civil (Environmental) Engineering from the University at Buffalo.  He is a graduate of the U.S. Army War College where he received his Masters Degree in Strategic Studies.