Get a Head Start on Building Performant AI Solutions Quickly

Louie Tsai, Intel
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Sign up to learn how the growing collection of open source Intel® AI Reference Kits can kickstart an increasing array of AI solutions, whether you’re a small shop or a global organization

Artificial Intelligence offers critical benefits to just about every organization, including automation of repetitive tasks, customer service enhancements, data analysis, and predictive accuracy.

To meet the need, Intel is expanding its software-tools portfolio to help developers streamline AI workflows.

This session focuses on how ... and how to get them.

Sign up to get acquainted with Intel® AI Reference Kits, collections of open source tools and frameworks specifically designed to simplify AI development across a multitude of domains: healthcare, manufacturing, retail, financial services, and more.

Your host, Intel Sr. Software Engineer Louse Tsai, will unpack these open, reusable, and portable implementations (see them all here) to help you get a head start on building performant AI solutions quickly.

Sign up today.