Theta Balsam Update

The Balsam service has been updated in the ALCF’s Theta modules. All users of the Theta Balsam module with a database created before February 17, 2021, must take action to continue using the module. However, there is no action needed if you have been using your own installation of Balsam in a virtual environment.
There are two simple options:
1. Continue using the previous Balsam version.

  • Use "module load balsam/0.3.8" instead of "module load balsam" to maintain the previous environment. 

2. Upgrade your database to use the latest Balsam version.

  • Verify that the "balsam/latest" module is loaded with "module list".
  • If you have significant data, to be safe, first create a backup: cp -r database_folder database_folder.backup
  • Then re-run "balsam init" on your existing database to perform the migration: balsam init database_folder/
  • You should verify after rerunning balsam init and restarting the database that all jobs are still there. Double check that the command "balsam ls --verbose" does not cause an error, and you should be ready to go.

For more information on Balsam, visit:

Please contact with any questions or concerns.