June 23-25 2021: Upgrades to Theta, Theta Lustre (theta-fs0) and ThetaGPU

Theta, ThetaGPU, and Theta Lustre (theta-fs0) upgrades:

Theta, ThetaGPU, and Theta Lustre (theta-fs0) will undergo system upgrades from June 23-25, 2021. These systems will be unavailable during this timeframe.

Below are the details of the upgrade work:

  • The Theta Lustre filesytem (theta-fs0) will be unavailable during its upgrade. Globus tasks using theta-fs0 will be paused and the path to theta-fs0 (/projects) will be disabled. On Cooley, /projects and /lus/theta-fs0/projects will be unavailable.
  • Theta will be patched to CLE 7.0 SP1 PS14 and the Programming Environment (PE) will be upgraded from 20.10 to 21.05. The PE adds new packages and available modules but will not change any default modules.
  • The ThetaGPU system software will be upgraded. This will install a new default CUDA library, CUDA 11.3. Software built on the current CUDA 11.0 should still work, but we recommend rebuilding any dependent software. In addition, eight ThetaGPU nodes will be replaced.

Maintenance on Cooley on June 23:

Cooley will undergo a short preventative maintenance on June 23 from 9:00 am CDT to 11:00 am CDT. Users will not be able to access the system during this time. All queued jobs will be placed on user hold at the start of maintenance.

Cooley will be online once maintenance concludes, but /projects will not be available due to upgrades to theta-fs0. Users that try to access /projects or /lus/theta-fs0/projects will get a "no such file or directory" message. Users can release the jobs that were held if they don't use /projects or /lus/theta-fs0 .i.e. jobs on Grand or Eagle can be released.

Please contact support@alcf.anl.gov with any questions or concerns.